Monday, 18 February 2008

False alarm...

Thanks for the best wishes, mostly in e-mail - thankfully Jay is fine now - it is apparently "only" gallstones, although his GP will be seeing him soon. He probably won't be recognised, as he hardly ever goes! Does he know where the surgery is?

Now one of the boys is ill and has had to stay off nursery, so that's today's plans out of the window. S is home for half term though, so I will still have to help him with his scale model of a Roman fort! Do you think he would like to make it in fabric? No I don't think so either.


sewkalico said...

Oh Kate! How awful for you (and of course him!) I'm glad it's 'only gallstones' although I believe those are pretty darn painful!!! Pleas send him our best!
Cheer up, once that phD is out the way you won't know what to do with all your time :O)

Unknown said...

Gall stones are probably more painful than a heart attack - hope he feels better soon

Lynda said...

What a relief that it is 'only' gall stones! At least they can do something about it, and the other myriad of possibilities when a loved one gets whisked away in an ambulance, don't bear thinking about! Hope all goes well for you both.

Unknown said...

Hi there Kate - long time no catch-up - hopefully all is well in your part of the world - would love to see what you've been up to and hope to hear fomr you soon
Happy New Year to you and yours